queria muito escrever mais sobre carnaval e a rua, mas tenho duas monografias me prendendo no computador. então, por enquanto, tem isso...
vários amigos – principalmente amigas, e principalmente cariocas – me disseram que já estão de saco cheio com carnaval, que virou controlado e comercializado demais e que nos últimos anos, tem servido basicamente para aumentar e advertir a força do choque de ordem.
estou ligado nos problemas, e vejo o ordenamento e comercialização do carnaval com cada vez mais preocupação (esse carnaval vai ser meu quinto no brasil, então tenho uma certa perspectiva crítica, por mais limitada que seja). mas mesmo assim, fico muito emplogação com carnaval. pode ser minha gringuice, e do fato de eu vir de um lugar onde nunca se dança na rua. mas fico encantado pela energia da aglomeração, pelos encontros inesperados que a cidade providencia, e pela possibilidade constante de criar uma nova surrealidade na rua. sexta-feira, por exemplo, tem bloco recicle na lapa...
ontem, uma amiga me mandou isso.
acho que poderia ir até mais longe, mas concordo plenamente: que o carnaval seja espontâneo, imprevisto, e radicalmente brincalhão!
i've wanted to write more about carnaval and the street in the run-up to the craziness (it starts friday), but i've been slaving over two term papers that need to get written before i work out this year's mask-and-glitter combination. here's a snapshot, though...
several friends – mostly girls, and mostly cariocas (rio natives) – have told me that they’re fed up with carnaval. they say it’s too controlled and tôo commercial, and that it recent years, it’s mostly served to increase and advertise the strength of the “shock of order” urban reforms.
i’m hip to the problems, and i'm worried about the ever-increasing "order" and commercialization of carnaval (this carnaval will be my fifth, so i have a certain critical perspective, however limited). still, i get completely worked up for carnaval. it could stem from my gringo-ness, and the fact that i come from a place where no one ever dances in the street. but i’m enchanted by the energy of the crowds, by the unexpected encounters that the city provides, and by the Constant possibility of creating a new surreality on the street. this friday, for example, there will be a recycled instruments procession in lapa...
yesterday, a friend sent me this (in portuguese):
it's the "nomadic carnaval" manifesto, which proposes, among other things, spreading blocos (street processions) more evenly throughout the city; breaking off from major blocos to start improvised ones; knowing when to break with tradition to start something new; "trading" neighborhoods, so that different crowds get to know different blocos; and, most importantly, refusing to register with city hall, which essentially obliges blocos to get corporate sponsors to pay off the massive licensing fees.
i think it could go farther, but i agree completely. let carnaval be spontaneous, unpredictable, and radically playful!
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